Friday, June 28, 2019

everything gets worse

all that shit they
try and tell you
when they push
positivity down
your throat is all
a bowl of fucking
lies, nothing ever
gets better, it all
gets worse, and
the only people
that live through
the shit are those
that can somehow
numb the pain and
just feel used to it.

i’m losing it all,
friends are gone,
not even comfy in
my own home, and
this family feud has
grown too large, it’s
all stuck, speechless,
can’t seem to find the
light at the end of the
tunnel, and my desire
to go recluse has only
gotten bigger as this
hateful world takes a
massive hold, squeeze
the life out of me and
throw bad news after
bad news every day.

somebody’s placing a
hex on me, it’s making
me wanna scream, i’m
trying not to leave but
i can’t find a way to be
happy, and every time i
start to feel better, i get
hit, like a ton of bricks in
my face, and i’m so tired,
everyone tells me to keep
my head up, but the world
won’t let me get up, and it
just feels like i should just
give up hope at this point.

because everything gets worse.


  1. Hey there Matt. I just wanted to remind you that your poetry is absolutely amazing. You have a gift for prose and you capture raw emotions perfectly. Continue writing!
