Monday, October 23, 2017

3. picture this

picture this:

a world of love,
all of us getting along,
less arguing,
less hatred.

yeah, wouldn’t that be nice.

imagine a world
where we don’t let politics
get in the way of our opinions
on one another.

yeah, wouldn’t that be nice.

picture a world
where we don’t have to worry
about that two-sided shit
because we’ve found a middle ground.

yeah, wouldn’t that be nice.

think of a world
where we’re less judgmental,
where our differences don’t matter
and we love one another.

ohhh, wouldn’t that be nice.

now picture this:

a world of hate
where we don’t agree
on anything,
where we hurt
one another,
only care about ourselves
and try to kill,
hate for being different,
tell other people
to end their lives,
fight over petty shit,
deny the problems
and act like everything
is totally fine
when it’s totally not,
because that’s our world
at this very moment,
too much hate,
too much anger,
too much negativity,
too much fighting
in a world where
even a physical difference
is enough to cause hate
and i say hate
a lot because
that’s what it is,
hate hate hate
from people
who know nothing
but anger
and HATE.

man, doesn’t that suck.

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