Friday, May 28, 2021

4. saturate

where do i go?
my words don’t flow
like they did
years ago,
and every time
i sit down and try
to tell you the tale,
everything escapes.
the honesty,
the rawness,
the feeling,
i know all the answers
until it’s crunch time,
there’s a poem to jot,
but it escapes my head,
how do i get it back?

it was the pain
that made me
pick up the pen,
so what do i write
when i’m feeling alright?
and how do i make
the emotion hit
the way it once did?
did i box myself in?
wrote my way
into a corner
that won’t let me out,
and i look back
at the empire i built,
afraid it’s cracking,
on the verge of collapsing.

did i blow it all at once?
saturate it with albums
at a record pace,
but now i can’t figure out
what to say.
do i deserve to continue
telling my story?
or will i leave them
constantly asking
“where is he?”
has the crown
been slowly slipping
off of me?
as the written word,
once my best friend,
has turned itself
into an elusive enemy?

what comes next?

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