Sunday, March 4, 2018

1. rapid fire

you’d think that with
two full-albums
in such a short span,
another would
take its time,
sizzle a little,
and not see release
for a while.

life inspires work,
and there’s always something
to write about,
but what about that break?
i did say i was taking one.
when am i taking one?
we’re just starting
the third month
of the calendar year,
and i’ve thrown 31 poems
out into the open, already?
am i going too fast?

are people gonna complain
that i write too much at once?
will too much of something
lead to less interest in it?
will even my closest friends
stop reading along with me?
could too many albums
kill the idea as a whole?
will i be left with nothing
in the end?

for as relaxing
and as beautiful
as it can be,
poetry is a horrifying,
dangerous beast,
easy to learn about
but hard to tame
and get along with.
does the beast rise up
when someone throws
too many poems at them?
is there a certain limit
to what one can accomplish
in such a short span?
will i somehow manage
to get along with
the vicious beast?

or will it kill me?

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