Sunday, March 4, 2018

2. change

weren’t we talking
about these shootings
5 months ago
on my first album?
why are we back?

why did we have
another set of losses,
this time at a school?!
one of the most safe places
in the entire world,
and poor, innocent students
had to say “i love you”
to their mommies and daddies
for the last time.
it’s disgusting,
what influences such
awful hate crimes?

and now here we are,
another one upon us.
2 more killed,
again at a school,
these students much older,
but just as undeserving
of death as their
younger ones.
a desire to gain
an education
should not lead to something
so heinous and abhorrent.

i want to live in a world
where this isn’t the norm,
where we don’t have to even CONSIDER
something as ridiculous as
giving guns to our teachers,
where we can work in harmony
to find a middle-ground,
so that the world can
be a safer place.
i want to live in a world
where we don’t have to feel scared
to get an education,
to worship the Lord,
to fall in love,
to enjoy the arts,
i want the world
to stop shooting.

i want change.

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