Monday, September 26, 2022

girl next door

they always called
that lady crazy,
but i knew
she carried pain,
world turned its back
on her,
as things looked up,
daddy pup was gone,
left a son and daughter
all their own,
he was lost for days,
DOA was the state,
hardest part
is how to explain
to the babies
in an easy way,
because no one
should have to bury
their husband
in their 20s.

mama had to run
to a life
she didn’t want
just to feed the kids,
she stared death
in the face
too many times,
needed to be reunited,
he didn’t deserve it,
and without him,
she didn’t know
what to do,
but those little ones
kept her alive,
she had daddy’s eyes
and he had daddy’s smile,
kiss them on the forehead
and say goodnight,
he’s looking down on you,
proud you’re making it through.

i hope the best
for the girl next door,
the neighborhood
may have painted you
in a bad way,
but i know you’re trying
to keep your head
above water,
the world is unsympathetic,
but on the darkest days,
those babies
are your light,
a reminder of the reason
that you fight,
to honor your love,
let his spirit guide you,
guardian angel
never leaving your side,
up there, he’s smiling
at the woman you’ve become.