Monday, November 20, 2017

1. five different ways

i’ve always wondered,
how can one say
“i love you”
in five different ways
without getting called
how can you
show your affection
without feeling like
you wrote down
the exact same thing?

it’s a challenge i wanted to take,
because everyone needs
some of it.
we live in too much hate
and we feel too much anger,
what’s wrong with a little love?
and it didn’t help me
that when i first got
into this stuff,
i only brought up
the bad in the world,
the bad in myself,
the side of me that
no one really wants to see,
they want me to smile,
they want me to be happy with life,
“happy matt’s a good guy,
he should stick around for the show,
i’d love to know him a bit more.”

so why don’t we
forget all the hate,
just for a minute?
why don’t we go
and tell someone
they mean the world to us?
we don’t have that long
on this earth,
time flashes in an instant,
we might as well
enjoy that time
that someone has given to us,
and love is the first step.
let’s try to say
“i love you”
in five different ways
without any fear
of being repetitive.

well, one down…

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