Tuesday, May 16, 2023

2. cold

…the night air.

cold, but i don’t feel it.
my mind’s spinning
all too quickly,
what did i do wrong?
distract myself
at the store,
tea and some snacks,
and i’m back
to a place
where things were different.
young and wide-eyed,
believing in the best
before the trauma
kicked in,
fight or flight
every time since.

get to the train,
sad songs
to numb the pain,
oh, how my life
has changed,
i used to think
i’d find a soulmate
but nowadays,
i got love
as a one-way street,
used to put
everyone else first,
but now
i don’t have friends,
i have people
i care about
that pretend
i’m not there,
i got people
i tell my therapist about
so they won’t be worried,
i’m the king of self-sabotage,
my clear headspace
became fuzzy again
in the span of a day.

off the train,
i reach my street,
car flashing down,
what if i keep walking?
move at my pace,
better stop if i don’t
get out of the way…
wait, why am i thinking that?
my night got screwed,
now my brain’s fried
to where the dark thoughts
try to spread their lies?
i gotta get inside.
nurse this bottle
and try to calm down,
got my story straight,
now to slow the heart rate.

the night’s over,
no more pain.

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