Tuesday, August 13, 2024

11. before your eyes (bonus track)

the days move slow
but life goes fast,
and it’ll be gone
in an instant,
facing down
my ultimate fate
but as i reach
the gate,
i’m afraid
to say
what really happened,
try to make
an adventure
of some grand nature
out of my life,
but i’m caught
in the lie,
never got to live out
my dreams
because i spent
the days
just trying to survive.

i thought the sickness
wouldn’t stick
until i had to let
the IV drip,
taking medicine
that barely did
a thing,
and soon enough,
my time was up,
mama wanted a legacy
but i wasn’t
the piano prodigy
she hoped i’d be,
never got to live
the artist’s life,
or get old enough
to make chloe my wife,
you were my
first love,
and i gave it all up
just to be with you.

tried to repress
all the pain,
but as i greet
the gatekeeper,
i know i can’t,
it’s time to take
the weight off,
let go of regret
and tell how
it really went,
brought to my end
too quick,
but my love
lives on
in the ones around me,
it’s not much
of a life,
but i know
that i lived it,
wasn’t who i thought
i’d be,
but i was who
i needed to be,
and as i close my eyes
one last time,
i’m finally at peace.


10. your best friend

friday night,
and he’s coming by,
says he wants to
take you out
of the house,
seven years,
he’s been your best friend,
and it seems
to be
another typical night,
time on the town
and he finally takes you
to the restaurant
you both like,
you’ve hung out
about a million times
but it never
loses its touch,
even the most
mundane of days
replay so vividly
in your mind,
because you can never
regret a moment
with your best friend.

but you’re feeling
something different
this time,
look around
and see that sparks
are starting
to fly,
an hour ride
but you felt it
the whole way home,
he takes you inside
and you’re slow-dancing
in the living room,
it’s just a different vibe
when you look into
his eyes,
all the hardships
and stress
that you’ve faced
is flushed away,
the world stops
for a moment
as he pulls
you closer.

it’s clearer
than it’s ever been:
you are in love.
never managed
to find it before,
and always found it hard
to let yourself fall,
but all it took
was one night
to let it all out,
it’s a rush of emotions,
but he knows it
as well,
he comforts you
and all you can do
is smile,
because finally,
you’ve found the one,
he was there all along,
just as you were
for him,
and for the first time,
you’re both ready
to let love in.

let this night never end.

9. life of the party

packed to the nines
and i’m dying inside,
telling myself
that i should’ve
never came
to this tonight,
thought i could
shut the world out
for a few hours,
but i’m just retreating
back to my shell,
it’s loud
and i’m lost,
barely even hear
my own thoughts,
and all this noise
around me
got me ready
to take my leave,
quietly sneak
to the exit
and pretend
i was never here.

but right before
i can go,
you drop by
and get me
onto my feet,
“may i have this dance?”
take me
by the hand,
and suddenly,
i’m a new man,
everything else
is shut out
because i have
you around,
got me glad
i showed up
to this party
in the first place,
you made me
all my inhibitions
and finally,
i can live
a little bit.

i’m in awe
of your confidence,
showing me a side
of you
i’ve never seen before,
the club
got you feeling
like yourself,
and i love
that you’re not afraid
to do it your way,
not afraid
of what anyone
would say,
let ‘em think
what they want,
judge how they must,
won’t stop you
from having your fun,
you’re the queen
of this party,
and for a moment,
i’m grateful
that you made me
the king.

what a night.

8. donuts for dinner

i hate him
so much
because i’m not
the one
in his shoes,
everything he does
comes so natural
and he had everyone
flocking to him,
a new girl
snuggled comfy
in his arm
every other day,
always seemed so strong
and sure of himself,
how could i contend
with someone
who had it all?
sweeter than eating
donuts for dinner,
and all i’d see
was everything
i couldn’t be.

i hate him
so much
because i want him
for myself,
every time
i saw her lay
a kiss on the cheek,
i ran off to cry,
had to hide it
every time
because for a man
to weep
was to be weak,
it seemed,
but how could i make
him love me?
barely have the nerve
to muster up
a “hello,”
a snowball’s chance
at best
he even acknowledges
that i exist.

i love him
so much
and he could never
be mine,
it’s clear
i’m not his type,
so maybe,
i should stop trying,
learn one day
to be a friend
at best,
a quick look
and he comes
with a greeting,
that charisma
has my heart bleeding,
but i try to keep
my cool,
then suddenly,
i feel his pull
as he leans in
and his lips
lock in,
the last thought
that crossed my mind
when he walked by,
but it’s true…

he loves me, too.

7. the boogeyman

i was burdened
by my sensitivity,
people never saw
how much i took to heart,
how lost i was
because all i thought of
was everyone else,
only found comfort
when i was sleeping,
even as loud
as my head was,
the dream world
was so peaceful,
laying in the river
as i float away,
even as i stare up
at the night sky,
yoko’s got it feeling
like a lazy afternoon,
as i spend another day
trying to get back up,
long time to recover
from the pain i faced.

i destroyed myself,
but it was wonderful,
lost my way
because i was running
with the wrong ones,
they built me up
to rip my confidence,
what a beautiful thing
being at the bottom,
stuck playing the person i’m not
to please someone
i’ve got no business
being with,
exiled myself
and drank my sorrows away,
only got to escape
when i was digging dirt
or working the fireplace,
i really became
the boogeyman,
no one dared face me
for fear of what
my sharp tongue
was capable of,
but the wins were hollow
when they couldn’t
be shared,
because who’d fall
for the boogeyman?

there’s gotta be
somebody out there
for me,
seen too many
that weren’t meant to be,
people leaving warnings
that i was ignoring,
date nights
i wasn’t enjoying,
thought i could see
past the toxicity,
i was obsessed
with the idea of you
but not the real you,
talking loads
in the uber
but i didn’t need
hollywood blvd
to know you weren’t the one,
no doubt, i needed
my sweet escape,
this city’s not for me,
someone toss me the keys
and let me ride,
no idea where i’m going
but i know that
all roads eventually
lead home.

bring me back to brighton.

6. buried alive

never even
wanted to come
to this club tonight,
i just needed to see
if it was true,
she’s lip-locking
with that man
and i can’t stand
to even see his face,
i tried to accept it
but i could never
look him in his eyes
and respect him
as a man,
can’t help but think
that he’s turning you
into someone you’re not,
got you thinking
you’re his muse
while he’s preying
on your youth
to fuel his ego.

and it’s got me
thinking back to you,
the bright, smiling face,
the laughs
we used to share,
never a day
where you didn’t
cheer me up,
your optimism
made my darkest hours
feel more like minutes,
the memories flooded back
but then were gone
with the quickness,
a minute ago
it was vivid,
now i can’t even
picture it,
the girl that i knew
is no longer you,
and i can’t stand
to see it.

maybe i drank too much
and now i’m peaking,
but i’m trying
not to get up
and sock him,
not enough that he
always bullied me,
but now,
he wants to
weasel his way
into the family tree,
made my life
a living torment,
never knew
how to treat a woman,
now he thinks
i’ll just accept him
like all that shit
was nothing,
promised mom
before she left
that i’d protect you
however i can,
and i know
i gotta let you grow,
but i can’t let him
break you
and place the trauma
upon you
like he did to me.

i just want
my little sister back.

5. vsco girls

never had much
luck in love,
always heard
all this talk about
shooting my shot
when i can’t even
hold the gun properly,
barely have
the confidence
to make it last,
always feels like
they love you
at the summit,
but never at the foot,
and i’ve spent my life
but never getting there,
that i made it halfway,
but the journey
doesn’t matter
when they only appreciate
the destination.

for a minute,
lena was the exception,
a chance encounter
at the landing,
rolled through the rink
then laid in the hammock,
first time
i felt connected,
but it didn’t last long,
at times,
got me wishing
that you never left,
then i remember
why it got bad,
all you saw in me
was a warm body,
someone to help you
quickly forget
the last one,
then toss away
and move on
to the next.

posting his texts
on vsco
for aesthetics
like that man
ain’t a red flag,
won’t even act like
i can do you better,
‘cause treating me right?
you could never.
but i keep on
writing lyrics
you keep leaving
in them captions,
‘cause i know
you keep peeping
these words i’m speaking,
i know you love
to keep my name
in your mouth,
so i’ll just sit
and count the days
until it all falls down.

actually...nah, y’all were made for each other.

4. damn, that's crazy. anyway...

ticket paid
for the seat
but i had ‘em
all on their feet,
star of the show,
i was the lead
and the feature
at the same time,
only one who could
beat me
was me,
‘cause my top five
was just me five times,
swept ‘em off
their feet
with live shows
like you’ve never seen,
the stage was my home,
call me the GOAT,
so comfortable
on the throne,
couldn’t have a soul
at my throat,
and i had everybody
tryna hop on the boat.

baby girl was married
but she still hit me
in my DMs,
said these pics
won’t hurt
if he don’t see ‘em,
lil mama
came up in the place,
wanna say she ate
but she was really
a ten,
she let me in her room,
told her this new era
ain’t it,
but she still let me hit,
outta the park,
a showman like harper,
then she said
she’d end it with him
to be with me,
but i couldn’t stay
long enough to sleep,
i was on to the next one,
no jay-z or swizzy,
but you know
i was fancy,
she loved how i sang
that sweet R&B,
had all the keys
like i was alicia,
no, SZA,
i could only keep her
for the weeknd.

had everything i wanted
then asked “now what?”
made a billi’
then i thought
i’d be happier than ever,
but even with the world
screaming my name,
i felt like
i had nothing
when i walked off
that stage,
they didn’t care
about me
‘til i put on the mask,
parties were fun
for a minute
but i couldn’t stick with it,
look in the mirror
and hated what i was seeing,
who was i
my accomplishments?
tearing me apart
to let this character go on,
i gotta run from this life
before my time is gone.

get me back to me.

3. light pack

quit running
and let’s talk
for a minute,
you think
you can keep it in,
but this
won’t stay hidden,
done some shit
that should send you
to where diddy’s sittin’,
showed yourself
on cams
but still tryna brag
about the numbers,
sounding like
you’re compensating
for something,
go back to caring
about the city you’re from
instead of lying
like they love you
in mine,
actin’ all important
but your life
has always been a lie.

got the demeanor
of a theater kid,
but the best thing
that you’ve ever done
is still a light pack,
of the drama club
is where you peaked at,
Cs and Ds
might get degrees,
but you’d better leave
while you still got
your dignity,
i know secrets
about you
that i don’t intend
to keep,
touching girls
like a creep,
ain’t getting that shit
past me,
i know all your
dirty little secrets
and i can make sure
you’re a reject.

the parties getting lighter
by the year
because they see you
for who you really are,
thought you could
play up the charm,
but some of us
don’t fall that hard,
don’t think i’ll take it
easy on you,
don’t lie on me
and i won’t truth on you,
i know all the news
and i’ll spread it
faster than you spread
the nudes
you took of them ladies,
actin’ like it’s art
when you were just
looking to get it on,
but there’s a hook
i won’t let you get off,
i’ll take it far
and i’ll tell it all,
and i know that’s something
that you won’t want.

run, dog, run.

2. right all along

money changed it all,
suddenly i saw
my circle getting small,
but the faces
started changing,
takin’ em out west
to see the sunset
at the strip,
dinners out at nobu
with some chick
that i just met,
but i can never
let ‘em see
the house in the hills,
retreat back
after another failed date,
scribble all the pain
out on the page,
got told i fell off
by someone
who never got up,
once it was all love,
now they’re mad
they got caught.

i don’t got haters,
i got people
that hate themselves
and project that
onto me,
i don’t got friends,
i got people
that count on me
when it’s convenient,
i don’t got lovers,
i got people
who only call me
when they need a fix,
i can’t sell you
a dream,
but i’ll let you rent it
with no fees,
try to say
that you’ve been
missing me
just to get in
‘cause you want
this shit for free.

can’t wait for fate
to play its game,
taylor made
the way they’ll say
i was right all along,
they’ll see you
for who you really are
and they’ll walk away
without me even needing
to crash out,
i really came close
a couple other times,
better count your blessings
and watch the way
you talk,
one wrong word
and i’ll make you wish
you never had a mouth,
fuck the fame
and the position
it gave me,
i’ll go off the record
and drop the record
just to leave you wrecked.

don’t tempt me.

1. rigor mortis

never wanna stay out
on the north side,
it gets dark
real early out there,
can’t even remember
the last time
they turned the street lights on,
i was the leader
through the storm,
went to war with my team
tryna make it to the top,
give me three
of the baddest you got,
but make sure
you say your goodbyes
‘cause i’ll make sure
you never see ‘em again,
i’ll bring ‘em to places
they’ve never seen,
highs no one ever thought
they could achieve,
only to see ‘em
turn on me
and manipulate.

grab the polygraph
and i’ll pass
with flying colors,
everybody painting me
as a liar
but i’m the only one
who knows the truth,
not like you,
thinking that you run
the show
from the inside,
got a dash of power
then thought
you were the king,
didn’t even make
the list
yet you think
that you can talk
your shit,
you talk a big game
for someone
who ain’t steppin’ outside,
someone who’s never
had to look at their mistakes
from the other side.

but watch how you
speak on my name,
talk to me funny
and it might get scrappy,
you thought it was safe
but it’ll never be,
all your falsehoods
aren’t lost on me,
hard to forget
the ways you wronged me,
the shit you talked
and you way
you lied on me,
and you lied
even when you
didn’t speak
‘cause all you know
is lies,
did all the hard work
but you acted
like you were the guy,
keep my name
out your mouth
and i’ll keep the peace,
but watch yourself,
‘cause this rabbit hole
sure runs deep.

they’re not dumb.

poems for the club preface

it amazes me that we’re finally here. my 33rd poetry album, “poems for the club,” is finally yours. this is the poetry album i’ve been wanting to write for so long now; for at least the last year, i’ve wanted to create a project that disconnects a bit from more “personal” poetry and instead features more fictional work with a focus on storytelling. and i’ve certainly done that on some projects, but i’d never been able to put it all together for the duration of a full-length album. but now, i finally have, and i couldn’t be happier. as mentioned, this is an entirely fictional album, but unlike previous fictional albums that told one overarching narrative that stretched from poems 1 through 10, each poem on this album tells a different story with a different set of characters. there’s a solid range of tones and ideas throughout, and even a few twists here and there. this project took months to write, but i’m so happy to have finally gotten to the finish line with it. i hope you enjoy reading these poems as much as i enjoyed writing them. it’s a blessing that any of you stop by at any point to read these things, and i hope i can continue to make you proud:

1. rigor mortis

2. right all along

3. light pack

4. damn, that’s crazy. anyway…

5. vsco girls

6. buried alive

7. the boogeyman

8. donuts for dinner

9. life of the party

10. your best friend

11. before your eyes (bonus track)