Tuesday, August 13, 2024

1. rigor mortis

never wanna stay out
on the north side,
it gets dark
real early out there,
can’t even remember
the last time
they turned the street lights on,
i was the leader
through the storm,
went to war with my team
tryna make it to the top,
give me three
of the baddest you got,
but make sure
you say your goodbyes
‘cause i’ll make sure
you never see ‘em again,
i’ll bring ‘em to places
they’ve never seen,
highs no one ever thought
they could achieve,
only to see ‘em
turn on me
and manipulate.

grab the polygraph
and i’ll pass
with flying colors,
everybody painting me
as a liar
but i’m the only one
who knows the truth,
not like you,
thinking that you run
the show
from the inside,
got a dash of power
then thought
you were the king,
didn’t even make
the list
yet you think
that you can talk
your shit,
you talk a big game
for someone
who ain’t steppin’ outside,
someone who’s never
had to look at their mistakes
from the other side.

but watch how you
speak on my name,
talk to me funny
and it might get scrappy,
you thought it was safe
but it’ll never be,
all your falsehoods
aren’t lost on me,
hard to forget
the ways you wronged me,
the shit you talked
and you way
you lied on me,
and you lied
even when you
didn’t speak
‘cause all you know
is lies,
did all the hard work
but you acted
like you were the guy,
keep my name
out your mouth
and i’ll keep the peace,
but watch yourself,
‘cause this rabbit hole
sure runs deep.

they’re not dumb.

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