Thursday, January 31, 2019

8. work

all of them saying
“he doesn’t work,”
but even late sleep
won’t stop the grind.
i don’t have a job but
i’m the hardest-worker
the game’s ever had,
i put it all on the line,
bare it all every time,
i’m not afraid to brag,
look at all i’ve earned
even before my prime.

all the rappers talk about
making some freshman list,
and here i am with the dean,
a superhero writer that rivals
batman in numbers, and all
the while, it’s vital that i’m
managing two channels on
the tube, i’m doing a lot for
someone so young, and for
whoever says i’m lazy, i’m
not naming but i’m 20 and
i inspire over twice my age.

it’s easy to kiss my feet if it
means a house on the beach,
but i don’t do it for the clout,
i do it for the love, and i’d like
to meet a more passionate
poet, not to pick a fight, but
to put in this work, and make
the writing the world wants.
prove wrong those who say
we’re lazy, do things others
wish they were capable of,
and make them wanna be us.

i bet they already do.

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